On September 25, 1990, the wonderful Betty White visited with Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Betty White appeared on the Tonight Show with Carson many, many times throughout the years and every visit was special. She truly was one of the most wonderful human beings to ever live. We miss you Betty. Thank you for making us laugh and smile for so many years!
Enjoy this look back at Betty White on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in 1990, and if you want to see some of Betty White’s earlier appearances on the Tonight Show, you can check them out here:
- Betty White and Johnny Carson as Tarzan and Jane on the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in 1981
- Betty White on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in 1987
- Joan Rivers and Betty White Roasting Each Other Relentlessly on The Tonight Show in 1983
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Betty White is the best ever, nice as can be. When I was 12 or 13 she was doing a show that they were filming outside, my parents stopped the car when we saw it & Betty autographed my book for me which I still have now in my 80’s.